since 1985

About us


Our History

First registered as a charity in 1985, we have over 35 years experience when it comes to working with people struggling with substance misuse. More than thirty-five years of understanding real people, listening to their stories and helping them back on their feet.

We’ve learned a lot over those years and all our experience is channelled into everything we do.

So, whether you’re an individual or an organisation you can be assured that we know what we’re doing.

Our mission

Our mission statement lays out not only our objective but how we deliver.

“The ADS will work in partnership to support people affected by substance misuse to make positive change”

Whether you are an individual or an organisation, we know that the best results come from working in partnership with you.

We know that no person or organisation is exactly the same and so no solution will be exactly the same. That means listening to you.

You know your circumstances better than us and you know what you want to achieve.

Our expertise allows us to work with you to find a solution that suits you.

How do we know it works?

For individuals


Last year 14 people per week 52 weeks a year left our services substance free and did not return to treatment.

Health and Wellbeing

Everyone who left our services whether planned or unplanned benefited from their time with us with:

  • 30% improvement in psychological health

  • 26% improvement in quality of life

For Employers and Training

No matter what your size or sector

During 2022, Generis delivered training to 1250 individuals from a wide range of organisations.


Our tutors receive on average scores of 9/10 for their training delivery and 10/10 for the usefulness of our courses.