The East Riding of Yorkshire

ADS have worked in partnership with Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust for over 20 years, bringing the best of the voluntary and statutory sector together for the benefit of our service users.

The East Riding Partnership (Adult Service)

Delivers a comprehensive range of high quality services delivered by a Multi-Disciplinary Team which includes social workers, clinical professionals(Doctors/nurses), psychosocial workers and other professionals.

The service operates out of three hubs, Goole, Bridlington and Hull with additional satellite bases across the area.

To contact any East Riding Partnership service phone: 01482 336675

The East Riding Partnership (Adult Service)

Clinical treatment

The clinical team led by a consultant psychiatrist (specialist in addictions) provide the full range of medical interventions, stabilisation, maintenance and detoxification.

Case Management

Case management support is offered delivering both prescribing and psychosocial interventions to support people in their recovery. The recovery plan agreed includes the option of access to all elements of service provided and is reviewed regularly.


Structured aftercare support is offered on a one-to-one basis across a 12-week timeframe to ensure that service users have the social and psychological skills in place to manage their own recovery and successfully (re)integrate into the community.

Primary Care

The team support prescribing GPs with the management of their own practice patients who are experiencing problems with drug or alcohol use. This approach increases the number of locations across the area where drug and alcohol services are available to local people.


A service providing support to people in primary care who may have been prescribed medication for significant periods of time, typically the medication concerned include analgesics (pain killers) and benzodiazepines. Medications such as these when used for prolonged periods can have detrimental impacts on the life and wellbeing of the taker.

The service operates in GP surgeries working with the patient and prescriber to find regime for the patient. This usually involves a cessation of or, significant reduction in prescribed medication.

Criminal Justice Team

The team works closely with the criminal justice partners including, the probation service, police and prisons the team is co-located across each of the service hubs ensuring integration with the wider service and coverage of the area.

The team focuses on ensuring the continuity of care is maintained for those people involved with the criminal justice system, whether that be pre or post sentence in a custodial or community setting.

Whilst offering specialist criminal justice support the team also ensure access to all service elements provided by the service.

Community rehabilitation programme

Becoming drug or alcohol free is big a step but for many people re-establishing themselves back in the community is the most challenging part of the recovery journey. This 12 week abstinence based Structured Day Programme is designed to ensure participants have the tools, skills and support networks needed to sustain their recovery.

Inclusive Health Team

The aim is to make help accessible for every resident of the East Riding.

The team, work with people who find it difficult to access services including those who are homeless, and people released from prison. An outreach and in-reach approach is used. Prison in-reach make contact with people before they are released and an outreach approach seeks contact with people who are homeless. Using the Health Inclusion bus the team also provide health education, overdose prevention and mobile needle exchange services.

Changes (Service User Involvement and Family and Carer Support)

The Changes Project works to provide support for service users in treatment for recovery within the service, family members and carers, mutual aid support through SMART groups and the Mentor volunteer programme.

Download our leaflet here

  • Families and carers

    Family and carers of people with addiction can feel helpless by what is sometimes described as the chaos that surrounds them. It affects not just the person with the problem but those closest to them. We offer a range of different support for family and carers and offer the

  • Volunteer Mentors

    Peer Mentors play a valuable role in supporting people in their recovery journey, and volunteering supports the recovery of the volunteer. All Peer Mentors are qualified through our accredited training programme.

The Juice Bar

The juice Bar (Image & Performance Enhancing Drugs)

Most people who use image enhancing drugs are not professional athletes but people looking for a healthier and better looking body. So those who use them do not identify themselves as drug users.

However, in addition to a range of significant health risks, even though anabolic steroids do not cause the same high as other drugs, steroids are reinforcing and so can lead to addiction.

The Juice Bar offers a discrete and confidential service offering support and advice.


IMPACT (East Riding Young People Service)

The team is a mix of Social Workers, youth workers and Nurses

Core Team

The team provide case management to ensure good quality multi agency working. For instance, robust links with the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service(CAMHS) deliver better outcomes for young people where substance misuse and mental health issues are both present.

Covering a large geographical area the team use a Health Inclusion bus which enables them to reach young people in their communities

Making a Change

Offers intense targeted interventions for young people at risk of criminal/sexual exploitation.

Education and Liaison

Working with schools and 6th form colleges. Listening and talking to young people on areas such as the risks, spotting the signs, what to do if they have concerns about a friend, harm reduction and how to access further help.

Parenting under Pressure (PuP)

A therapeutic program designed to help parents who are experiencing high levels of stress due to issues including substance misuse when raising their children.

Young People Service