Andrew, 56, has lived in Withernsea for most of his life. He is a father of two daughters and grandfather to four, but Andrew's life took a challenging turn due to alcohol misuse. We are grateful to Andrew for sharing his story about his life and recovery.

A Journey of Recovery: Andrew's Story
Andrew, 56, has lived in Withernsea for most of his life. He is a father of two daughters and grandfather to four, but Andrew's life took a challenging turn due to alcohol misuse. We are grateful to Andrew for sharing his story about his life and recovery.
"The best advice I can give is to admit you've got a problem and then seek help," Andrew says, reflecting on his experience.
Developing a problem in his 40s
While Andrew had been a social drinker since his youth, his struggle with alcohol didn't begin until 2011 following personal hardships. His substance of choice evolved from cider and beer to vodka. Recognising a problem, for a while, Andrew got his life back on track and managed to reduce his drinking, but in 2020, both his mum and his partner died at the beginning of lockdown. Once again, he leaned on alcohol, to the extent that it cost him his job at Tesco in Withernsea, where he had resorted to stealing alcohol to feed his habit. Without a job, and a routine of starting to drink as soon as he woke up in a morning, his problems spiralled completely out of control.
His daily routine became consumed by alcohol, neglecting food and basic self-care. His daughters found it this very difficult to see and eventually distanced themselves from him.
A Scare
Andrew's scare proved a turning point when, in August 2023 he was rushed to hospital with liver failure. "I was in and out of consciousness. It was the wake-up call I needed," he says.
Referred by his GP, Andrew sought support from the East Riding Partnership (ERP), and was supported by Angela Roberts and Jo Gardner. He participated in the Community Rehabilitation Programme, a 12-week programme that helped him address various aspects of his life, from identifying triggers and managing stress to family and relationships.
"ERP has helped me to recognise problematic relationships and to find and form supportive friendships and networks. I have developed a routine which includes online support every morning. I give it my full attention and focus on what we're doing," Andrew explains.
Celebrating Sobriety
Now celebrating 15 months of sobriety, Andrew has become a Peer Mentor, offering support both online and face-to-face in Withernsea. "I explain the changes I've made in my life and give positive support to reduce the stigma which affects everyone who experiences substance misuse," he says proudly.
Andrew has COPD, but says that his mental health is one hundred times better now, and that he has clarity. "Everything is so clear and I've learned how to cope with things and structure my day, so every day I have a plan.”
The transformation in Andrew's life has been profound. He's regained the trust of his daughters and can now spend quality time with his grandchildren. His health has improved significantly, and he no longer needs a mobility scooter which he had come to rely upon prior to seeking support.
"My life couldn't be any more different. I am so happy mentoring; it keeps me occupied," Andrew beams. He's also involved with Andy's Man Club, helping to establish a branch in Withernsea.
Andrew's Message to You
Andrew's message to others struggling with substance misuse is clear: "The benefits of stopping drinking are fantastic. You get your life and family back. Everything is different, but I've got the things back that I had lost, and I'd like to think it would be the same for other people."
His story is a testament to the power of admitting the problem, seeking help, and embracing the journey to recovery. Andrew's experience shows that with the right support and determination, it's possible to reclaim your life back.
To get help for yourself, please contact use HERE.