11th Jul 2024

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Training for Authorities and Businesses

This collaboration combines Jo Kent's thirty-seven years of NHS and social care experience with Generis' four decades of expertise in substance misuse recovery through The Alcohol and Drug Service. The partnership addresses the crucial link between substance misuse and mental health issues, providing a comprehensive approach to these interconnected challenges.

As the Suicide Prevention Programme Lead for Humber and North Yorkshire, Jo co-founded the Humber Wellbeing Hub in 2021 in response to increased tragedies at the Humber Bridge. The hub, staffed by trained volunteers, has been instrumental in saving lives and supporting hundreds of individuals.

"Our partnership with Generis allows us to offer unparalleled training that equips professionals with the skills to effectively support individuals facing mental health and substance misuse issues," said Jo. "This holistic approach is crucial in our efforts to prevent suicide and improve overall community wellbeing."

The training programme has already garnered significant interest, with Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council training over 600 staff members, also Hull City Council and a variety of large employers, based around Yorkshire. Feedback from recent sessions has been overwhelmingly positive, with participants praising the course's relevance and immediate applicability to their roles.

For more information about the training programme, please contact Laura Jarvis at Generis.